The atmosphere at Project DEEP is not just welcoming; it's imbued with a sense of history"
- Cheng - UMASS Student

"I obtained my basic and advanced OPW certifications in my hometown of Gran Canaria, during the winter of my junior at UMass. After completing my certification in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, I found myself yearning for more diving experiences.

This led me to discover Project DEEP at UMass, where I was warmly welcomed to serve as a Teaching Assistant for their basic Open Water courses. Even during busy periods when I couldn't dive, Project DEEP offered me the chance to maintain my diving skills by practicing in the pool throughout the semester.

The atmosphere at Project DEEP is not just welcoming; it's imbued with a sense of history and a strong sense of community. Each instructor brings a unique personality to the program, and all the TAs share a deep passion for SCUBA diving.

After a semester of TAing, I had the privilege of taking the Rescue Diver course with Project DEEP. The instructors were exceptional, the training exceeded the basic requirements and ensured proficiency in all diving skills. The instructors go above and beyond, teaching not only technical skills but also proper diving etiquette, which is invaluable during our Key Largo trips.

Now in my senior year, I've decided to continue at UMass for an additional two years of graduate school. Being a part of this program made it an easy choice to stay."

"My experience with Project Deep was nothing less than incredible; the experience was unique ..."
- Tyler G.- UMASS Student

"My experience with Project Deep was nothing less than incredible; the experience was unique and unforgettable. It was convenient to take the course through my university and earn college credits, all while learning how to scuba dive. The instructors and the friends made along the way were the best parts. Each instructor was genuine in wanting to teach students how to be a safe and knowledgeable diver. They are also very humorous and love to have a good time. We would practice dive skills over and over in the pool until we were comfortable and confident.

I had the opportunity to do checkout dives in Rockport to contribute to my Open Water certification. It was October weather in New England which meant very cold water. However, we were well equipped with the proper equipment and got to practice the skills we learned out in the environment. Despite the cold, I feel more confident in the water now that I have experienced water temperatures like that. After passing the final exam, which was very easy thanks to the instructors, I officially became certified in Open Water diving. I joined Project Deep in their yearly trip to Key Largo, Florida where I performed more dives for my Advanced Open Water certification. Words cannot describe my experience on that trip. It was so amazing. The instructors and friends I made on the trip made it all worthwhile. The memories were worth more than any price tag.

I could not recommend this course and organization more. I am glad to have learned scuba diving through them. I think everyone should take this course and be a part of the Project Deep family.

Tyler G.

"My experience with Project DEEP has been an extremly rewarding experience!"
- Randy P. - Retired Instructor

As a NAUI Instructor for over 20 years and with forty plus years of diving, I have found Project DEEP to be an extremely rewarding experience.

I began my Instructor rating in 2000 and taught numerous students at Inland Divers prior to joining Project DEEP as an instructor.

I began working as a PD instructor in 2007 and have the pleasure of working with some of the most outstanding instructors such as Dave Stillman, Brian Perry, Henry Marc, Day DeGenza, just to mention a few. I could go on and on but I won't.

What i have gained as being part of Project DEEP is that everyone involved both young and old are dedicted to training the best scuba divers around.

If you are a product of their teachings you should consider yourself fortunate as you will not find a more dedicated organization to foster a love for marine conservation and underwater exploration through scuba education.(Excerpt from their Mission Statement) than Project DEEP!!

The best part of it all is to see young people to continue to train by taking more courses and eventually becoming Instructors. I have had several of whom are affiliated today as Project DEEP Staff!

Although retired from Instruction, I continue to contribute where ever I can...

Randy P. - Retired

"This experience was more than just exploring the underwater world; it forged lasting connections."
- Sean Y. - Project DEEP Alumnus


Back in 2016, I had the incredible opportunity to complete my advanced cold and warm-water scuba course with Dave Stillman through Cape Ann Divers' and Project DEEP, along with a memorable trip to Florida. This experience was more than just exploring the underwater world; it forged lasting connections. The unique bond that I formed between UMass Amherst, Project DEEP, and the Florida Keys profoundly impacted my life, both professionally and personally. The invaluable skills I acquired in scuba diving played a significant role in my work with NRC fisheries and contributed greatly to my academic and professional journey.

Reconnecting with Project Deep in 2023 as a teaching assistant and completing my rescue diver course was another significant milestone. Witnessing firsthand the program's evolution, including the growth in class size and the rising enthusiasm for scuba diving, was heartening. However, I feel a tinge of regret that newer students missed out on the wonders of cold-water boat diving in New England.

Under the dedicated guidance of Day, and Jeff, and all the other Project DEEP staff, the spirit of exploration and learning thrives. Their commitment ensures that future generations will continue to benefit from this unique and enriching experience: camping in the Florida Keys and group breakfast at the diner, remains a core element of the program. This course is more than just scuba diving; it's an adventure that shapes lives, as it did mine.

- Sean Y.